Leadership 375: Culture & Christianity
This course examines important aspects of Christianity’s involvement in global culture. Alternative models and historical examples of this involvement are considered as well as the engagement of Christianity with specific current social and cultural issues.
This course is intended to explore the ongoing relationship between Christianity and culture and, through this process, to encourage both a deeper cultural awareness and critical skills for critiquing culture from a thoughtful Christian perspective. This seminar-style course will feature a range of lectures, readings, and group discussions.
Course Units
This course is organized into units. Each unit of the course will provide you with the following information:
- A general overview of the key concepts that will be addressed during the unit.
- Specific learning outcomes and topics for the unit.
- Learning activities to help you engage with the concepts. These often include key readings, videos, and reflective prompts.
- The Assessment section provides details on assignments you will need to complete throughout the course to demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes.
Note that assessments, including assignments and discussion posts will be submitted in Moodle. See the Assessment tab in Moodle for the assignment dropboxes.
Course Activities
Below is some key information on features you will see throughout the course.
Learning Activity This box will prompt you to engage in course concepts, often by viewing resources and reflecting on your experience and/or learning. Most learning activities are ungraded and are designed to help prepare you for the assessment in this course.
Checking Your Learning This box is for checking your understanding, to make sure you are ready for what follows.
This box signifies key notes, such as where to submit assignments. It
may also warn you of possible problems or pitfalls you may