Welcome to PMPP 201: Introduction to Project Management!

This course is organized into 10 units. Each page of the course will provide you with the following information:

  • A general overview of the topic that will be addressed during the unit.
  • Specific learning outcomes and topics for the unit.
  • Resources that you will need to address learning activities and assessments in the unit.
  • Learning activities that you will need to complete each week.
  • Assessments pages will provide you with information about assignments that you will need to complete each week.

Over the next several weeks, you will have the opportunity to attend Facilitated Learning Labs. During lab times, a course facilitator will be guiding group discussions, answering any questions you may have, helping you understand your assignments, and evaluating your participation in class. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help and be your guide on this journey.

The syllabus includes key information about the course schedule, assignments, and policies. Please read the full course syllabus found at the bottom of this page. For information on how to navigate through this course on Moodle, see here.

Course Description

An introduction to project management concepts, principles, techniques, and tools. Topics include the five processes and nine knowledge areas of the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide, and an overview of PM software tools.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • 1.0 Knowledge and its application
    • 1.1 Demonstrate knowledgeof key terms and concepts of the Project Management Institute
    • 1.2 Understand the concepts that make up the ten project management knowledge areas, including their interaction
  • 2.0 Cognitive complexity
    • 2.1 Understand the project flow and phases through Life Cycle and Process Groups
  • 3.0 Aesthetic expression and interpretation
    • 3.1 Develop formatting to enhance written communication
  • 4.0 Inter- and Intra- personal wellness
    • 4.1 Analyze possible team members for project team selection
    • 4.2 Develop a strong ethical stance in project work
  • 5.0 Spiritual formation
    • 5.1 Consider biblical concepts that drive project management ethics
  • 6.0 Social responsibility and global engagement
    • 6.1 Evaluate the effects of the project and the impact on the team, organization, and community
  • 7.0 Leadership
    • 7.1 Develop the personal skills of a project manager to better manage stakeholders

Texts and Reading Resources

For this course, here are the textbooks:

  • Phillips, J. (2018). CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification All-In-One Exam Guide, (4th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • (ISBN: 978-1-2598-6162-8) (AIO)
  • Heagney, Joseph. (2016). Fundamentals of Project Management (5th ed.). New York: American Management Association
    • (ISBN-13: 978-0-8144-3736-0) (FPM)

The most recent PMPP Textbook List for all PMPP courses can be found as a link on the Course Intorduction page in Moodle.

  • Other articles, videos, resources as required and posted in the Moodle.

Course Evaluation

The final grade will be determined by the satisfactory completion of all requirements.

Assignment % of Grade
Unit written assignments 80% (8% each)
FAR Centre Session Participation / Unit Recap Status Reports 20% (2% each)
Total: 100%

Course Activities/Requirements

This FAR Centre course will involve combinations of the following Unit activities: readings, lab session participation, and written assignments. All written assignments are to be uploaded to Moodle. The assignments require the use of Microsoft Excel and Word, but could use other software, too.

Written assignments must comply with APA citation formatting. However, Project Management in the real world rarely contains formal/academic writing (i.e. research papers). So, written work for this course is commonly informal/narrative and may include bullet points. Complying with word-count requirements is still in force.

APA formatting may be easier if managed with your word processor. For example, consider youtube.com offerings for ‘managing sources in Microsoft Word’. for example: this.

Course Activities

WBS Code Task Name
1.0 Unit 1
1.1 Read Fundamentals of PM (FPM), Chapters 1-2
1.2 Read All In One (AIO), Chapters 1-3
1.3 Written Assignment: Determine Traits that Increase a PM’s Influence
1.4 Lab Participation: Determining Traits and Leadership Styles
1.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
2.0 Unit 2
2.1 Read FPM, Chapter 3
2.2 Read AIO, Chapter 4
2.3 Written Assignment: Compose a Charter, Scope, and WBS
2.4 Lab Participation: Creating Charter Statements, Future Value Calculations, Dashboarding, & Change Control
2.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
3.0 Unit 3
3.1 Read FPM, Chapter 4
3.2 Read AIO, Chapter 5
3.3 Written Assignment: Drafting a Scope Management Plan and Process Flow Charts
3.4 Lab Participation: Develop Scope Management Plans and WBS
3.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
4.0 Unit 4
4.1 Read FPM, Chapter 6-8
4.2 Read AIO Chapter 6
4.3 Written Assignment: Creating Project Activity Flowcharting Using a Project Network Diagram
4.4 Lab Participation: Build a PND and Perform a Critical Path Analysis
4.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
5.0 Unit 5
5.1 Read FPM, Chapter 11
5.2 Read AIO, Chapter 7
5.3 Written Assignment: Create a Budget that Permits Variance Control
5.4 FAR Centre Participation: Write a budget, Determine Variances, and Earned Value Calculations
5.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
6.0 Unit 6
6.1 Read FPM, Chapter 9-10
6.2 Read AIO, Chapter 8
6.3 Written Assignment: Draft a Project Quality Management Plan
6.4 Lab Participation: Using the 7 Quality Tools and Standard Deviation
6.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
7.0 Unit 7
7.2 Read AIO, Chapter 10
7.3 Written Assignment: Draft a written Communication Plan
7.4 Lab Participation: Indentifying the Communication Plan, including use of technology channles
7.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
8.0 Unit 8
8.1 Read FPM, Chapter 5
8.2 Read AIO, Chapter 11
8.3 Written Assignment: List potential risks
8.4 Lab Participation: Risks and Financial Contingencies
8.4 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
9.0 Unit 9
9.1 Read FPM, Chapters 12-13
9.2 Read AIO, Chapters 9 & 13
9.3 Written Assignment: Build a Stakeholder Register
9.4 Lab Participation: Brainstorming Risks and Determining Risk Contingency
9.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report
10.0 Unit 10
10.1 Read FPM, Chapter 14
10.2 Read AIO, Chapter 12 & 14
10.3 Written Assignment: Writing Purchase Orders
10.4 Lab Participation: Sourcing and Ethics
10.5 Submit Unit Recap Status Report

Academic Dishonesty Policy

It will be assumed that you have read, understand, and agree to the information provided at the ‘Academic Dishonesty Policy’ button below. If you have any questions at all please contact your instructor.

Academic Misconduct Policy